Frequently asked questions

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What is a journal?
A journal is a place for you to unwind, reflect, and record your life. It’s a way to get in touch with your mental health, and check-in with your thoughts, moods, and habits.
Why should I journal?
Life is short, you should savor every day. Take time to reflect, be grateful, and record your story. In time, you will build an incredible journey and it’s worth saving.
Why keep track of your goals?
Goals are a great way to keep track of your progress. They help you stay motivated and stay focused to achieve what you set out to do.
What are the benefits of tracking your mood?
You may be surprised at how your mood changes over time. Take a few days to record how you feel, and see how it changes throughout the day and over time.
How do I start tracking goals, moods, and more?
Track your daily goals in your journal, or set long-term goals and check-in from time to time to make sure you’re making progress.
What is Steep?
Steep is your new personal journal, a place to track your goals, habits, and routines. Watch your progress, and stay in touch with your mood.
Is Steep free?
Yes, Steep is 100% free. We don’t think that getting in touch should come with a price.
How do I get started?
Head over to our sign up page to get started with your first journal. Just take 5 minutes to write whatever comes to mind. You can even set some goals for today.